
BodyGlide Anti

Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $22.95.

BodyGlide Anti-Chafe Balm 42g

SKU: 10974 Category: Tag:


BodyGlide Anti Chafe Balm has been the #1 choice for runners & triathletes since 1996. BodyGlide is ideal for the protection against friction and rubbing from footwear, clothing and skin on skin, chaffed, chapped and cracked skin from head to toe. The natural, invisible, non-wet, non-greasy, plant-derived formula contains NO oils, petroleum or lanolin making it safe for clothing and wetsuits. Good during and after activity. It penetrates the skin and creates an invisible, comfortable barrier against friction and moisture – without clogging pores or trapping perspiration and feels dry to the touch. Stops trouble before it starts BodyGlide can be applied on the feet, between thighs, in the groin, on arms, legs and the neck, and wherever skin is rubbed by footwear, clothing or skin against skin. It’s durable yet gentle for use in sensitive areas, and in skin folds and creases around breasts, stomach and buttocks. The Leading Skin Protectant and #1 choice for runners & triathletes since 1996 For protection against friction and rubbing from footwear, clothing & skin on skin For protection against chafing and rubbing that irritates skin and causes it to blister Intended as a barrier to the effects of rubbing, its formulation makes it easy to apply for all-day protection from skin on skin rubbing, chafing from clothing, or pinching and friction from shoes, protective gear, and other irritants.


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